Thursday, July 10, 2014

Couch to 5K: Week 7 and not counting....

So, now that I have a 5K under my belt...I still actually need to finish the Couch to 5K program. Also, since doing the 5K, I've not run. I've been doing a lot of walking, but no running. I did recently get a FitBit (pedometer + super powers) and I have yet to reach 10,000 steps in a day (granted today is only day 2 of having it), but, at least, today I did break 5,000 to add my running back in.

I rested for 2 days after my 5K, but, I guess, that wasn't long enough for my body. I ran for about 5 minutes and had to stop, my muscles were just too sore.

Tuesday, June 24: Ran for just over 5 min. My legs and muscles are really sore from my 5k this past weekend. I'll work my way back up again.
Average Pace: 17:08/mile
Mileage: 1.81 miles

Saturday, June 28: I didn't run outside, it was WAY too hot and I got up late. I ran in my basement. I started out on my trampoline, but my feet always feel funny when I run on that thing. So, I just ran circles in my basement as best I could. I ran for a full 25 minutes straight. I had intended to only run for 20 minutes, but when I got to the 20 minute point, I felt I could go on, so I did.
Average Pace: 18:14/mile
Mileage: 1.92 miles

Sunday, June 29: Great run! It's just as warm today as it was on 5K day. I understand why I walked as much as I did - this heat is brutal! 20 minute run today.
Average Pace: 18:53/mile
Mileage: 1.05 miles

So, let me explain that "I understand why I walked as much as I did" comment. That was the first hot day I ran, it has been such a cool year so far and I forgot how fatiguing the heat can be. And, when you start out stronger than you intend to, it catches up with you faster.

I didn't feel like running on Sunday morning, but I did. Because of this, and the motivation to run because of signing up for a race (the 5K for Orphans), I decided that I needed to sign up for more races. I figure one race every 2 months, that's enough time for me to keep training and to increase my mileage and to get back out there and run.

Mileage to Date (doesn't include all of the walking we did 4th of July weekend): 65.6 miles

Races I'm considering: 
August 9: Ready Set Ride: Chasin' Tail 5K Trail Run, Walk & Virtual Walk
October 18: Scarecrow Scramble (this is a definite! Doing this in honor of friend's who aren't in the country that have done this race in the past.)
December 6: Reindeer Run (I considered this one a couple of years ago, partially because I remember printing the postcards for this race at an old job)