Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goals this time around

1. Loose 1-2 lbs. per week by exercising and eating better.
2. Exercise Regularly - Jillian Michaels 30-day shred 5 days a week (Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
3. Meal Plan - Figure out my breakfast, lunch and dinner weekly. Make sure to include the essential nutrients daily.
4. Watch and track caloric intake. Max. calories 1300, min. calories 1200. Use MyFitnessPal app to track meals, calories and exercise.

I literally just discovered this website: Maintain a Healthy Weight. It seems very helpful. I'm going to read more on the site. I'll keep you posted on helpful things. I can already tell you one (it motivated this post): The Guide to Behavior Change.

I also discovered this site by doing a Google search for Daily Meal Plan.

Another helpful website:

30 Day Shred Day 2

So today's workout was really good! I was dripping with sweat; didn't take as many 5-second breaks as yesterday; and got my butt kicked, again. By the end of this workout I was really hating Jillian Michaels. :)

I'll explain how the workout works, in case you don't know. If you have done this routine already, you can skip to the end of this post. It's a 20-minute workout that combines strength, cardio and abs. Jillian calls it the 3-2-1 method. That's  3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. There are 3 circuits you go through in addition to a warm up (1 minute) and a cool down (1 minute). On the video there are 3 levels of intensity, since I'm not fit at all, I started at level 1. I will do this workout until I am not challenged anymore; then I will move on to Level 2. I will let you know when I switch to each level.

I downloaded a new app for my iPod today, MyFitnessPal. It tracks calories, weightloss, measurements, and exercise. I was using Lose It!, but I don't regularly log in, outside of once a week to track my weightloss. I really want to track my food, so I'm hoping this app will help with that (not that Lose It! didn't).

I'm considering meal planning for all meals, and not just dinner. I want to make sure I'm getting the needed nutrients daily. Plus, since I have high cholesterol, making sure I'm getting my daily nutrients in will help with that as well. I know I'm not getting in enough fruits and vegetables daily, which are essential, so, as I said in the last paragraph, I'm hoping this new app will help with that, it shows what my intake for fats (saturated, unsaturated,  polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans), cholesterol, sodium, potassium, etc. - you get the picture, the details of the nutrients you are eating.

If you have any questions about the 30-Day Shred or hints/tips/suggestions on getting the necessary daily nutrients, let me know, would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

Making A Difference

This post has nothing to do with my weightloss journey, but it has to do with my life and making a difference in this world, one small step at a time.

I've been hearing a lot of people talk about making a difference lately. Even at church last night, the pastor talked about missions and making a difference wherever you are called to be. Whether it be at work, in your neighborhood or across the globe, we can all make a difference by the choices we make.

Well, after church last night, we planned on going to the drive-in movie theater. We stopped at Jewel Osco to get their 8-piece fried chicken meal deal (my husband was really looking forward to this), then headed toward the theater. I was in a rush and was getting pushy with my husband in the store, well, God had other plans and he needed us to go at a slower pace. We're driving to the drive-in and not far from our house we see two men crossing the street (at a traffic light) with a sign, "Need food. We will take anything." So, the light they were standing at had just turned green, me being in the rush that I was in, took off. My husband and I started talking about it, I was like, I know you were really looking forward to the chicken - what should we do? He didn't care either way, so, since I was driving, I turned around at the next block and we headed back to those two men where we rolled down the window and handed them the bag of fresh hot chicken, cole slaw, potato salad and Hawaiin rolls. The man who took the bad was very appreciative and even said, "God bless." My husband said the same, then we drove off to the drive-in, where we didn't have our dinner anymore, but we were okay with that. It was a little thing, but we made a difference, hopefully.

It's not how much you do, it's what you do. So when Jesus comes back and says, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’" For more, see Matthew 25:34-46.

I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging, I'm not. We saw an opportunity and took it. We all see small little things like this almost every day, we just need to take the opportunities we are given to make a difference.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

30 Day Shred Day 1

Well, that workout kicked my butt. I'm good with that, it's just what I need. I had to take several 5 second breaks, which Jillian says is okay to do.

Felt good after the workout. Now I just need to get some protein and carbs in my body. :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

End of July 2011 Update

So, I was doing EA Active on the PS3, i did it for a week and that was about it. I was taking the dog for walks every day, probably a total of 1 mile or less per day (since the heat wave, we haven't done this). I did pick up EA Active again for a weekend and had good intentions, but failed. I'm okay with that.

I have a couple of Jillian Michaels' apps on my iPod. I did one of the circuit training exercises, she wanted 20 reps and 3 sets. I barely made it through I set...but I did it (one set, but I've got to start somewhere, right?) - the workout totally kicked my butt!

Well, after doing that work and hearing from friends about how they loved Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, I caved in and picked up a copy. My plan is start this tomorrow and continue for thirty days. I will try my best to report daily how I did, how I felt, etc.