Saturday, October 31, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 10

Projected calorie burn: 118.1
Actual calorie burn: 129
Duration of exercise: 18:42
Stretching time: 8:00
Number of exercises: 17/17
Calorie intake: 1580
Weight loss to date: 190 (back to starting weight)

Today volleyball was on the workout. I don't understand how the arm movements are effective, but I certainly felt the burn in my legs from standing with my feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Basketball should have you do a stance like this, I could see more of a workout with it then. No problems with the Wiimote and nunchuck registering today.

Went over max calorie intake by 80. Have to work on staying on track with my calories.

Last week I met my calorie and exercise goals, however I haven't met my time goal yet (I'm assuming that will come at the end of 30 days). I think the calorie and exercise goals should start new every week. Just a thought I had.

Friday, October 30, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 9

Calorie intake: 1486
Weight loss to date: 188.2 (-0.4)

Today was a rest day. I did not do a good job tracking my calories was an after thought.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 8

Projected calorie burn: 117.9
Actual calorie burn: 126.5
Duration of exercise: 20:19
Stretching time: 8:00
Number of exercises: 15/15
Calorie intake:
Weight loss to date: 188.2 (down. 0.4 from yesterday)

Today I did basketball, I don't see how that's much of an exercise, since you just stand in place and reach for a ball and shoot. If I had hand weights in my hands, I could see it as more of a workout. Outside of that, it was a good day. Had some problems with the Wiimote and nunchuck registering on my bent over rows with kickbacks, but outside of that, everything went smoothly.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

EA Active Week 1 Weight Loss: Light Workout

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 7

Projected calorie burn: 99.8
Actual calorie burn: 107.6
Duration of exercise: 18:55
Stretching time: 8:00
Number of exercises: 16/16
Calorie intake: 1492
Total weight loss to date: 188.6 (down -1.4 since day 1)

Well, I've been doing this for a week. I've lost a total of 1.4 lbs., my goal is at least 1 lb./week, so I've achieved my goal for the first week. :) I reached my exercise goal for the week today. Looks like I'm right on track with my time goal too - 25%.

I felt really tired and didn't really want to get out of bed this morning, but, now that I got my exercise in, I'm feeling much better. Now to do everything I need to do today. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 6

Projected calorie burn:
Actual calorie burn:
Duration of exercise:
Stretching time:
Number of exercises:
Calorie intake: 1402
Weight loss to date: 189.2 (+0.8 since yesterday)

Gained just under a pound. Today was another rest day. Back on the wagon tomorrow. I've also started taking Vitamin D to help with the tiredness I've been experiencing. Hopefully keeping in a regular exercise routine will also help.

Monday, October 26, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 5

Projected calorie burn: 118.4
Actual calorie burn: 130.8
Duration of exercise: 18:28
Stretching time: 7:00
Number of exercises: 18/18
Calorie intake: 1489
Weight loss to date: 188.4 (down -1.6 since day 1)

Workout went well. I wasn't feeling motivated to do it, but since I created this blog, I knew I'd have to report my progress, so I got up and did it. In 5 days, I've reached my calorie burn goal, so that's exciting! So, I'm glad I did the workout. Now to get a start on the rest of the day. :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 4

Projected calorie burn: 91.3
Actual calorie burn: 102.1
Duration of exercise: 19:02
Stretching time: 5:30
Number of exercises: 16/16
Calorie intake: 1360
Weight loss to date: 189 (down -1 since day 1)

Today's exercises went well. I had some problems with the Wiimote and nunchuck registering on the bicep curls with shoulder presses.

I never mentioned this, but I do not use the resistance band that came with EA Active - it's too flimsy and doesn't give you enough resistance. I use a band I bought a couple of years ago that is right for my height, so it's a lot tighter. The problem with my band is the handles are huge, so it's hard to hold the Wiimote and Nunchuck in my hands as still as I need to for the game to register the movement. Sometimes, after doing the rep with the resistance band, I drop the side I'm having a problem with and redo the move without the band in my hand. I always do the rep first with the band.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 3

Projected calorie burn:
Actual calorie burn:
Duration of exercise:
Number of exercises:
Calorie intake: 1607
Weight loss to date: 190 (Up +1.6 since day 1)
Stretching time:

Today is a day of rest. They have you exercise two days, then take a day off. So, today there is no EA Active for me. But I will report any exercise I do, walking the dog, for example, as well as my calorie intake. At one point I was way under, I have no idea how I went over.

Friday, October 23, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 2

Projected calorie burn: 133.4
Actual calorie burn: 154.9
Duration of exercise: 22:51
Number of exercises: 18/18
Calorie intake: 1836
Weight loss to date: 188.4 (down -1.6 since yesterday)
Stretching time: 5:30

Workout went well today. I had a few problems with the Wiimote and nunchuck registering on a couple exercise on the right side, but got through those without too much trouble. I decided to include how long I stretched for. None of the exercise games I've played tells the importance of stretching, especially after a workout.

We went out to eat for dinner and I didn't order anything healthy. So, i went over my calorie intake by 386. Next time I will make a smarter meal choice, or make sure I have the calories.

GraceQueen, from Scrub Sport, is a Personal Trainer IRL, so I asked her about the importance of stretching, since she would know better than I would. She gave me a couple of resources I'll share with you:
According to the American Council on Exercise "it is safer and more effective to stretch muscles that are properly warmed and, therefore, more pliable. Also, it will help to further facilitate postworkout recovery." American College of Sports Medicine recommends you stretch a minimum of 2-3 days/week for 20 minutes, with 5-7 days/week ideal. Thanks GraceQueen for helping me get this information!

Hope this information helps you. Don't forget to stretch after your workout!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 1

Projected calorie burn: 114.1
Actual calorie burn: 118.7
Duration of exercise: 17:18
Number of exercises: 16/16
Calorie intake: 1469
Weight loss to date: 190 (starting weight)

Overall, the workout went well. My settings were on light workout. Once this 30-Day Challenge is complete, I will go up to the middle, and then hard. I plan to do all three to see if one is more effective than the others. I definitely can't just jump in and do the hardest level first. So, I will work my way up to that over the next 90-days.