Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Weeks 11 & 12 - Keep On Keepin' On

Well, I've only run 2 times in the past 2 weeks. I'm okay with that because my muscle was sore. Last time I ran (Sunday, October 28) my muscle was fine, no pain or soreness. So, I'm back on to running again. I was going to run today, but realized I probably shouldn't run on Halloween - who knows how many people will be out and about and I'd rather avoid running into anyone (literally!). :D

My last two runs were 30 minutes. Although after a week off, I couldn't do the full 30 minutes, but I did do 25 minutes, which isn't bad for a full week off...I'm certainly not complaining. I just need to make sure I get back on track with the running, otherwise, I may just stop completely...and I don't want to do that. I'm so close to that to keep on keepin' on. :)

Tomorrow I have another 30 minute run scheduled and I'm all ready for doing it. We are in the process of looking into a gym membership - that way weather is not an excuse for skipping our runs.

A few weeks ago, I gave up Splenda in my coffee. I went cold turkey and I haven't gone back. I'd like to cut cream out of my coffee, but I tried my coffee black one day, and ended up adding Splenda in. So, I can drink coffee with sugar or cream, but not without one or the other. I think it's a step in the right direction.

I've also done a lot of reading lately. I've read two vegetarian books: Plant Based Diet Simplified: A Concise & Easy to Read Guide on How to Lose Weight with Plant-Based Nutrition and Forks Over Knives (I've also seen this documentary). Watching the Forks Over Knives Documentary really got me thinking about what I really put into my body. Can you really prevent diseases with a plant-based diet? I'm going to keep reading and researching...I have one thought I'd like to share. In Genesis 1:29-30 it says, "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in itI give every green plant for food.'” (youversion, emphasis mine)

This tells me that God created us to be vegetarians. The only reason meat became an option is because of the fall...when sin entered the world, so did death/eating meat.

I have at least one more vegetarian book on my kindle to read, "How to Successfully Become a Vegetarian or Vegan" by Rudy Hadisentosa. I'll keep you posted!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 10: Running along

Well, my last run was Monday and I don't plan on running again until Sunday. My left calf muscle has been sore. I felt it in my last run, and since then I feel it every day just walking. My chiropractor worked some magic on it and taped it up for me. It has gotten better. What stinks for me, I don't do a desk job, so I'm on my feet and walking around a lot...needless to say, my muscle has really only gotten rest at night when I get home from work.

Sunday will be my first 30 minute run, which concerns me a little, because I haven't run all week, but I'm sure it will be fine.

This week has been very encouraging. Last week I tightened my belt a notch. This week, I tightened my belt another notch and I'm even wearing a belt with my jeans (which I didn't have to do at all, previously). This is very encouraging. I can't wait to weigh in in Monday this week.

On Sunday I also start tracking my foods in more detail to help my aunt (my mother's sister) out. She went back to school to become a dietician and she needed a case study. Having high cholesterol, I offered to help in anyway I could. There are many dietary issues on my mother's side of the family (as well as my father's - hence the high cholesterol) - including diabetes & Crohn's disease, so she had many choices of family members for her case study. I'm just glad to help and can't wait for her evaluation.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Week 9: Runs 27 & 28

I didn't run for 3 days in a row this week, which I was a little worried about today, as I was doing my second 25 minute run.

Somehow, I am off on my run schedule. When I started I was doing whatever week I was on run 1 on the first day I ran for the week (Sunday), now my first run is falling at the end of the week. Today was the first run for week 7 - which is running for 25 minutes straight. I will do this same run for my next 2 runs, then move up to 28 minutes (week 8), then 30 minutes (week 9), this should all culminate into my being able to run a 5k...I'm almost there and I'm so excited! :)

In just 9 weeks, I've gone from struggling to run 1 minute to running 25 minutes straight! It can be done, even if you're overweight (I know this because I am and I'm doing it). You can do anything you put your put your mind to. If you believe you can do it, you can!

Before I've been running my 25s, I just say a little prayer asking God to help me run for the entire 25 minutes. I'm hoping, soon, to be able to do 4 laps (including the warm up and cool down) at our running spot.