Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 10: Running along

Well, my last run was Monday and I don't plan on running again until Sunday. My left calf muscle has been sore. I felt it in my last run, and since then I feel it every day just walking. My chiropractor worked some magic on it and taped it up for me. It has gotten better. What stinks for me, I don't do a desk job, so I'm on my feet and walking around a lot...needless to say, my muscle has really only gotten rest at night when I get home from work.

Sunday will be my first 30 minute run, which concerns me a little, because I haven't run all week, but I'm sure it will be fine.

This week has been very encouraging. Last week I tightened my belt a notch. This week, I tightened my belt another notch and I'm even wearing a belt with my jeans (which I didn't have to do at all, previously). This is very encouraging. I can't wait to weigh in in Monday this week.

On Sunday I also start tracking my foods in more detail to help my aunt (my mother's sister) out. She went back to school to become a dietician and she needed a case study. Having high cholesterol, I offered to help in anyway I could. There are many dietary issues on my mother's side of the family (as well as my father's - hence the high cholesterol) - including diabetes & Crohn's disease, so she had many choices of family members for her case study. I'm just glad to help and can't wait for her evaluation.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! Don't get discouraged if the weight doesn't go down a ton...just keep focused on the fact that the clothes are getting looser. :) Writing down what you eat is probably going to make a huge difference, too. I go through times where I don't do a good job of journaling my food and think I'm eating pretty well. Then, when I go to start journaling it again, I realize how much extra I had been eating. Writing it down is good accountability (and especially if someone else is seeing it...haha!). Great job, my friend! :)
