Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Every January 1 we all set goals for ourselves to accomplish in the new year. According to The Journal of Clinical Psychology at the University of Scranton study on New Year's resolutions found that 45% of Americans make resolutions, 17% make them infrequently and 38% never make a resolution. The study also found that only 8% of people are successful in achieving their goals. (You can read more here.) 

I am guilty of making new year's resolutions and not meeting the goal I've set for myself. 2012 was different for me, I chose to set goals instead of make resolutions. In 2012, I chose to set one goal per month (you can read more here). 

January's goal in 2012 was to track my calories daily. I didn't track my calories every month of 2012, but when I got off the wagon of tracking, I caught myself and got back on. For the majority of 2012, I did track my food intake. So, I see that as a win.

February's goal in 2012 was to pray more and get up earlier. I succeeded on the prayer side, but not the getting up earlier side. I'm okay with that...prayer is important, and this was actually two goals for one month. :)

March's goal in 2012 was to exercise daily. I know I did a little exercise in March, but that was about it...and probably because that was my goal for the month. However, in June (you can read more here) I opted to start a couch to 5K program. My husband and I started out walking, which was great for our health and our marriage. Since the weather wasn't extremely hot this summer, it wasn't too bad. Finally in August I started running. I made it all the way through the Couch to 5K Get Running app. However, the weather started getting cold and I have not run since the beginning of November.

I lost my job at the beginning of November too, which allowed me more time for exercise. I started up Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, which the last time I attempted that (March 2012) I struggled to do the full 3 circuits...when I did it in November, it was much easier (with the exception of push ups, but I always struggled with those anyway). Because of running I had built up my endurance.

So, overall 2012 was a success for me. I finally started running (which I said I was going to do in 2011 and never did), I tracked my calories for the majority of the year, I worked on and improved my prayer life, I built up my endurance, and I lost weight - passed that one number on the scale I struggled to pass.

2013 is a new year for new beginnings. This year I plan to continue 
  1. running (we are looking into a gym membership, which shouldn't be a problem now that I'm employed again), 
  2. to count/track my daily calorie intake, 
  3. to eat healthier by adding more fiber and iron into my diet (2 nutrients I found I was lacking when my aunt did a nutrition evaluation of my eating habits).
  4. to lose weight. My ideal weight is approximately 40 lbs. less than I am now. Of course this goes with all of my to continue goals above.
In 2013, I plan to start:
  1. eating one vegetarian meal per week.
  2. cut out soda. I don't drink a ton of soda anyway, but when I have one, I usually go back for another. If I cut out soda, that should also help in my weight loss efforts.
This post was inspired by this post on Calorie Count.