I am guilty of making new year's resolutions and not meeting the goal I've set for myself. 2012 was different for me, I chose to set goals instead of make resolutions. In 2012, I chose to set one goal per month (you can read more here).
January's goal in 2012 was to track my calories daily. I didn't track my calories every month of 2012, but when I got off the wagon of tracking, I caught myself and got back on. For the majority of 2012, I did track my food intake. So, I see that as a win.
February's goal in 2012 was to pray more and get up earlier. I succeeded on the prayer side, but not the getting up earlier side. I'm okay with that...prayer is important, and this was actually two goals for one month. :)
March's goal in 2012 was to exercise daily. I know I did a little exercise in March, but that was about it...and probably because that was my goal for the month. However, in June (you can read more here) I opted to start a couch to 5K program. My husband and I started out walking, which was great for our health and our marriage. Since the weather wasn't extremely hot this summer, it wasn't too bad. Finally in August I started running. I made it all the way through the Couch to 5K Get Running app. However, the weather started getting cold and I have not run since the beginning of November.
I lost my job at the beginning of November too, which allowed me more time for exercise. I started up Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, which the last time I attempted that (March 2012) I struggled to do the full 3 circuits...when I did it in November, it was much easier (with the exception of push ups, but I always struggled with those anyway). Because of running I had built up my endurance.
So, overall 2012 was a success for me. I finally started running (which I said I was going to do in 2011 and never did), I tracked my calories for the majority of the year, I worked on and improved my prayer life, I built up my endurance, and I lost weight - passed that one number on the scale I struggled to pass.
2013 is a new year for new beginnings. This year I plan to continue
- running (we are looking into a gym membership, which shouldn't be a problem now that I'm employed again),
- to count/track my daily calorie intake,
- to eat healthier by adding more fiber and iron into my diet (2 nutrients I found I was lacking when my aunt did a nutrition evaluation of my eating habits).
- to lose weight. My ideal weight is approximately 40 lbs. less than I am now. Of course this goes with all of my to continue goals above.
- eating one vegetarian meal per week.
- cut out soda. I don't drink a ton of soda anyway, but when I have one, I usually go back for another. If I cut out soda, that should also help in my weight loss efforts.
I didn't know you blog! How fun! I can't wait to read through this and get to know you more! See you this weekend amiga!