Monday, August 30, 2010

Going Through The Motions in My Own Little World

I sometimes think that I am self absorbed, "population me". I talk to a friend and only half listen, interjecting what's going on in my life (because that's way more important) and not really paying attention to what's going on in theirs. I pride myself on being a good listener (unless I'm so absorbed into something and not paying attention), so this is difficult for me to admit.

I heard this song, "My Own Little World" by Matthew West, and thought, that's how I feel sometimes. The world revolves around me, and all I have to do is look up and help the person standing next to me and it won't just be about me..."my own little world is not about me."

This song ties in a bit to my previous post "Damaged goods - what will you become?" Listen to the chorus of the song, "What if there's a bigger picture? What if I'm missing out? What if there's a greater purpose that I could be livin' right now? Outside my own little world."

Matthew West "My Own Little World"

Matthew West is a great artist, I highly recommend his music. Another song that often convicts me, which ties into being self-absorbed, is The Motions. The song talks about just living your life and the routine of things, not feeling anything (emotionless), "'Cuz just okay's not enough, help me fight through the nothingness of this life." Listen to the chorus: "I don't wanna go through the motions, I don't wanna go one more day without your all consuming passion inside of me. I don't wanna spend my whole life asking what if I given everything, instead of going through the motions."

"The Motions"

I apologize, I had problems embedding the videoes.

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