Friday, August 27, 2010

Update - 3.5 months too late?

So, it's been about 3.5 months since my last post. Sorry.

I've been hearing a lot about this C25K (Couch to 5K) and my nephew now has a blog about running (you really should check it out). A few friends, earlier this year, trained and ran a 5K. I'm really starting to consider running. My golden retriever would love it. The app, C25K, is only $2.99 in the iTunes Store - it allows you to listen to your own music and gives audio prompts when it's time to change...perfect! You can't go wrong with something like that. First, according to my nephew, is to get a good pair of running shoes - they can be over $100, but shoes are important.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

My weight, yesterday, was 187.4. I certainly need to do something. I need to take a picture of myself in tight clothes - you know how people who want to lose weight always take pictures of themselves in baggy clothes to hide, well, I just hate that. I'm going to take a pic of myself in tight clothes and watch my progress as those clothes get too big.

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