Monday, January 3, 2011

Weightloss Progress Week 4

Sorry I didn't post last week. I gained weight, but I kind of expected that with the holidays and all the cookies I made, etc., etc. I was not tracking calories and I should have been. I did make some healthier cookies, so that's at least a step in the right direction - isn't it? :)

I'm back on track with counting calories. I'm avoiding drinking my calories as much as possible (with the cold weather, I just can't give up hot chocolate). I have not exercised at all. I do need to get back on track with that.

Over the weekend we picked up a new EA Active for the PS3. It uses a HR Monitor and an arm and leg band along with a dongle to monitor your movement...probably more effective than the Wiimote and Nunchuck (cause all you really have to do is sit down and make the movements it wants you to with the controllers - not that I've done that - at least not an entire workout :D). Once I check it out, I'll let you know how it works and if I like it. I did really enjoy EA Active and More Workouts, so I don't see why I wouldn't like this. I just don't understand the resistance band they include with it. I know they have to make a "one size fits all," but it has ZERO resistance...even if you pull it to the tightest you can go. I use my own resistance band, so it's not really an issue for me.

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