Monday, January 31, 2011

January Update

So sorry I didn't post last week. My grandfather passed away and I went to NJ with my sister and her two kids (6 year old and 20 month old). We spent 25 hours total in the car (13 there, 12 on the way back). So, considering my grandfather liked loved to eat, we did a lot of eating while in NJ. Grandpa believed in dessert first. One of his many famous lines after praying was, "And all God' people said...Let's eat!" he was a great man and will be missed. You can read the obituary here, if you'd like (there is a correction, there are 18 great-grandchildren with one on the way).

Needless to say, my time in NJ I did not adhere to any diet, I mean bagels with butter (loaded), hard rolls with butter (again loaded), all-the-way sauce (it's kind of like a chili sauce, not sure how this recipe is, but you can get a better idea of what it is here), pizza (cut the right way - pie slices all the time, not just special request), cake for my birthday, butter cookies, and more. Unfortunately, we did not get any taylor ham while there. Sorry if I'm tempting you with all my food talk, but grandpa would be proud of the spread we enjoyed to celebrate his life and the legacy he has left. Someday we will see him again.

This past week I had to get back into routine, but I did lose the weight gained on the NJ that's something. Working towards counting calories again. I keep saying it, but I really do need to get the motivation to start exercising. It's been really hard. Hopefully I can turn that around soon...even if it is just on the weekends, at least it would be something.

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