Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome 2015! What to Expect From Me This Year.

Its that time of year again. Resolutions, goals, lifestyle changes, commitments, etc. Whatever you do at this time of year, or periodically throughout the year, that's what this is for me.

2015 Goals
1. Run more - I'd like to run the full 5K distance (3.1 miles) without taking walk breaks.
    A. 1-Month Goal: run 1 mile straight by the end of January.
    B. 2-Month Goal: run 2 miles straight by the end of February.
    C. 3-Month Goal: run 3 miles straight by the end of March.
    D. 4-Month Goal & Beyond: increase time running by 5 minutes per week.

2. Pray more - I would like to have a daily, focused prayer time. I'm good about reading my Bible, doing devotionals and throwing the occasional prayer up, but I'm not good about a focused prayer time.

My One Word: Discipline (As defined by Merriam Webster: training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character)

Discipline in running, praying and being healthier (mentally, physically and spiritually).

1 comment:

  1. Great goals! Wish we could join you in them in person! We are so thankful for you dear friend!
