Thursday, February 26, 2015

Deciding to Change

My sister in law posted the picture below on Facebook. It gave me the reminder I needed...if I want to change, I'm the only one who's going to make it happen.

Since the posting of the picture, I have gotten back into a regular routine of running. I'm going to incorporate strength training as well, just haven't quite mastered my schedule. I've done the Couch to 5K workout for 4 days so far, and I'm exhausted. I'm sleeping way better than I was, but I'm so tired. I'm not letting that stop me. On days I'm too tired, I just don't run that morning. Of course, I'm trying for morning workouts...and of the 4 Couch to 5K workouts, I did one in the morning. :) But that's how you start. Tomorrow is a new day and a new morning for me to start again.

BTW, I didn't stick with the goals I set out to do run 1 mile in January, 2 miles in February...and that's okay. The decision to change and really want it had to come first. I have been walking 2 miles or more 3-4 times per week, so its not a totally lost goal...just executed differently. And now, I'm track for the rest of the year...working my way to running 30 minutes straight. And, eventually, a 5K without any walk breaks.

The picture to the left is just a reminder that in order to be great, you have to start. And that's what I'm doing...starting and heading towards greatness. :)

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