Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 2011 Update

Now that May is almost done and I haven't posted since January, I thought I should give you an update.

I started in a new position in my company in April. I am now the graphic designer (which I was already) AND a certified digital press operator. What this means...I walk around the plant more, lift paper (a box of 12x18 80lb. gloss text weighs 64 lbs.). In my first week in the position, I lost 3 lbs. I've tapered off since then, but I am FINALLY below 180 lbs. and staying close to it.

Yesterday I started EA Active 2. I decided to go with the 3 week program "to kick start your exercise" (that's what it says). I'm two days in and doing great! Last week I also started taking our Golden Retriever, Taz, for walks. I was going to take him for a walk this morning, after I did EA Active, but a thunderstorm rolled in...and he HATES them with a passion...he's a real big baby when the thunder rolls.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on busting through 180. Hitting those milestones is always great for motivation. Keep it up!
