Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goals this time around

1. Loose 1-2 lbs. per week by exercising and eating better.
2. Exercise Regularly - Jillian Michaels 30-day shred 5 days a week (Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
3. Meal Plan - Figure out my breakfast, lunch and dinner weekly. Make sure to include the essential nutrients daily.
4. Watch and track caloric intake. Max. calories 1300, min. calories 1200. Use MyFitnessPal app to track meals, calories and exercise.

I literally just discovered this website: Maintain a Healthy Weight. It seems very helpful. I'm going to read more on the site. I'll keep you posted on helpful things. I can already tell you one (it motivated this post): The Guide to Behavior Change.

I also discovered this site by doing a Google search for Daily Meal Plan.

Another helpful website:

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