Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cutting back on sugary beverages

That is one of my goals. I actually just finished reading an article about that and it had a link to a new initiative sponsored by: the American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, and a ton more (those are just the big names everybody's heard of). Anyway, Life is Sweeter is where you can go to find out more and/or participate in cutting back on sugary drinks, such as soda and energy drinks.

I found the following statistic on the site and it kind of surprised me:More than two-thirds of American adults and one in three children are overweight or obese.

I that America is now the fatest nation, we used to be second to Australia. But with the way food companies are regulated (or not), we continue to gain weight and not do anything about it. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm sick of sitting on my butt and not doing anything about being overweight. That's why I started the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. I also continue to walk the dog, although his max is about 1 mile.

One thing I'm trying to work on eliminating, is coffee creamer (I do buy the sugar free version -less calories than the fat free version) - I take 2 Tbsp. in my coffee every morning and I don't like drinking my calories. One alternative, which I usually do in the winter, is drink green tea. I just did a google search for flavored creamer substitutes and came up with this recipe (not sure how the calories break out, but I'm willing to try it and do the math to find out about reducing my calorie intake in this way.

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