Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

So I've been pretty good about trying to walk at least one mile per day during the week, taking the dog and the husband with me. :) My total steps for the week are: 54,015, which is an average of 7,716 steps per day...that's up from my 11 day tracking a week ago. :)

Today I started the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred again. I plan on continuing it for as long as I can - definitely Sunday and Monday, since I don't have to work. I know after I did it last time, 3 days in a row, I was feeling it in my abs. So, I do want to continue with this for as long as I can.

I'm also considering taking a class at the local park district: Total Cardio Sculpt. Here's the description: Full body weight training, using various equipment to strengthen and tone combined with cardio training to get your heart rate up. This class has all you need for an effective body shaping workout that will keep you coming back for more. Please bring a mat.

I have two people encouraging me to do this and one saying it's too advanced, I need to start smaller. But, I'm not going to listen to the neigh sayer and do it. There are two sessions, both are 8 weeks. I'm going to do the first session and if I like it, I'll do the second session. Unfortunately the class is on Tuesday's, the day The Biggest Loser is on, but I can always catch that on Hulu. Exercise, getting my health back, and losing excess weight is what's important.

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