Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 8: Runs 24-26

 Somewhere I didn't count my runs right, but I checked my activity on Runkeeper and I'm about to move on to run 27. I can't believe I've been running for 8 weeks and almost 30 runs! Eight weeks ago I was struggling to run 1 minute, now I'm running for 10 minutes straight! I feel great!

Today we went to Dick Pond Athletics, our local mom & pop running store. They evaluated Terry and found out he is an overpronator (to learn more about overpronation, check out this article on Runner's World). Terry's been experiencing some pain in his ankle when running, so it was recommended that he visit a running store to get evaluated for the right shoes. Better to find out now before he injures himself. Needless to say, he did get new shoes. We went running and he didn't have any problems or pain. YAY!

Since we were at the store, figured I might as well make sure I have the right shoes too. And I do, I'm neutral.

This week I had to go downtown for training for work, so I got to walk downtown for two days. The second day we got out a little early, so I was able to do a little touring (been awhile since I did the tourist thing downtown). I visited the Bean and Buckingham was a nice 2+ mile walk.

This week's runs went well. I started out the week with 20 minutes of running, no walking (although I did walk, and didn't run the full 20 minutes. I ended up running 18 minutes); next run was 18 minutes of running (run 5, walk 3, run 8, walk 3, run 5) - which I did without any troubles; today's run was 10 minutes running, 3 minutes walking, 10 minutes running...and I did it! and it felt great! I'm running for 10 minutes straight! The next run, 20 minutes of running no walking, outside of warm up and cool down. Then the amount of time running just increases from there. I can't wait! Three weeks away from my 5K goal! (since i repeated a few weeks.)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 7: Runs 19-21

It was a good week of runs. I opted to run the 5 minutes 3 times twice. However, I wasn't expecting run 2 to be two 8 minute runs. I did a 5 minute warm up, 8 minute run, then walked for 8 minutes (was only supposed to be 5), then ran for 5 (was supposed to be 8), then a 5 minute cool down. Today's run - the actual third run for the week I'm on (which is week 5) is supposed to be running for 20 minutes. 

Run 23 is 1 5 minute warm up, 5 minute run, 3 minute walk, 8 minute run, 3 minute walk, 5 minute run, 5 minute cool down.

Run 24 is 5 minute warm up, 10 minute run, 3 minute walk, 10 minute run, 5 minute cool down.

Run 25 is 5 minute warm up, 25 minute run, 5 minute cool down.

I know you build up as you go, it just seems weird that I would run 20 minutes, then go back to running week 5 run 1.

The 5 minute warm up, 8 minute run, 5 minute walk, 8 minute run, 5 minute cool down that i did on Saturday was done at a Ladies' Retreat in Northern Wisconsin. It was cold! I am so thankful that I had bought a running jacket and gloves and brought them with me. As I was running I lost layers. I ran laps around a circle on which our cabin was located...I ran 8 loops. I thought my next run would be the same all week long (5 minute cool down/warm up, run 5 minutes 3 times with 3 minute walks in between), so I was surprised and unprepared to run the two 8 minute runs. I feel like I need to run the second run of the week again, since I didn't successfully complete the second 8 minute run. I know I can do anything I put my mind I'm ready to re-run that run and next time move on to running 20 minutes straight.

One thing I've been enjoying, since we've been doing our own runs at the park, is seeing the other runners. We see the same people every time we go. The funny thing is, there's a speed walker too...and when I'm running, he walks passed me. :D I think it's hilarious! And I'm not discouraged at all...some day, I'll be running faster than his speed walk. (He just brings out my competitive nature.) Oh! And he is an older gentleman - 60-ish.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 6: Runs 16-18

This week my husband started running. So, my first run this week, I did at his pace - the first week on the Get Running app. Doing this run with him, I realized how far I've come...six weeks ago, I was struggling to run for 1 minute straight (8 times), 1 minute runs are a breeze and I barely break a sweat. After seeking advice from other runners who run and a spouse has joined up later, I decided to run my runs on alternate days (i.e., Monday run with hubby, Tuesday run my week in the Get Running app, Wednesday run with hubby, get the picture). So, that's what I've done so far this week. The way I see it, running with the hubby helps build my endurance and I can work on running faster for 1 minute. Right now, though, I'm not pushing myself too hard as I'm still new to this whole running thing. Maybe once I'm able to run a 5k, I'll work on running faster when running the then, he'll probably be where I am right now. :)

I'm really enjoying my time running. However, I don't feel energized yet. Maybe once I lose more weight, I'll start feeling like I have more energy. I can tell you a couple of things, since I started running...
  1. I sleep all night long, I don't wake up from hearing things in the night (my husband snores).
  2. I'm not as hungry as I used to be....especially after running.
  3.  I feel better all around. I mean, I'm running! I can't tell you the last time I ran (especially for fun)...high school soccer team - maybe?
Anyway, it's a great way to reduce stress. I find that I don't really think about much while running. I only really have my iPod with me so I know when to run/walk...I don't really pay attention to the music I'm listening too (today was Journey, since I'm on one).

Next week's runs are 5 minutes with 3 minutes walking in between, plus warm up and cool down. I may do one more of this week's runs to give myself some reassurance that I can do the 5 minute runs. After all, I did it tonight for the first time all the way through, so I think an extra day won't hurt. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 5: Runs 13-14

My first run this week was hard...5 minute warm up, 3 minute walk/run & 5 minute walk run (2 times each), and 5 minute cool down. The first two runs were no problem. The second 3 minute run...I could only do 2 minutes. The second 5 minute run, I only ran 3 minutes. My calf muscle was sore afterwards, so I iced it.

Today's run, I went back to week fours runs: 1.5 minute run/walk, 3 minute run/walk (2 times each) + 5 minute warm up/cool down. My muscle did not hurt while running, but feels a little sore now. Next run will be a repeat of this one...maybe next week I'll run for 5 minutes straight twice...Nevermind, make that "I will" run for 5 minutes twice next week. :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 4: Runs 10-12

Run #10 was the first 5 min warm up, 1.5 min run/walk, 3 min run/walk, 1.5 min run, 5 min cool down. I survived the first 3 minute run, but only ran 2 minutes of the second 3 minute run.

Run #11: I did both 3 minute runs. Since I couldn't do it the first time, I psyched myself up for it and nothing was going to keep me from doing it. After I did the second 3 minute run, I lifted both hands up in triumph - in sure if people saw me they must have thought I was crazy. I was proud of myself for running for 3 minutes straight.

Run #12: again, I made it through both 3 minute runs.

The one thing I did not do well this was strength train. I didn't do any days of strength...I have no excuse, I don't even know what kept me from doing them. Back on track with strength training this week.