Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 6: Runs 16-18

This week my husband started running. So, my first run this week, I did at his pace - the first week on the Get Running app. Doing this run with him, I realized how far I've come...six weeks ago, I was struggling to run for 1 minute straight (8 times), 1 minute runs are a breeze and I barely break a sweat. After seeking advice from other runners who run and a spouse has joined up later, I decided to run my runs on alternate days (i.e., Monday run with hubby, Tuesday run my week in the Get Running app, Wednesday run with hubby, get the picture). So, that's what I've done so far this week. The way I see it, running with the hubby helps build my endurance and I can work on running faster for 1 minute. Right now, though, I'm not pushing myself too hard as I'm still new to this whole running thing. Maybe once I'm able to run a 5k, I'll work on running faster when running the then, he'll probably be where I am right now. :)

I'm really enjoying my time running. However, I don't feel energized yet. Maybe once I lose more weight, I'll start feeling like I have more energy. I can tell you a couple of things, since I started running...
  1. I sleep all night long, I don't wake up from hearing things in the night (my husband snores).
  2. I'm not as hungry as I used to be....especially after running.
  3.  I feel better all around. I mean, I'm running! I can't tell you the last time I ran (especially for fun)...high school soccer team - maybe?
Anyway, it's a great way to reduce stress. I find that I don't really think about much while running. I only really have my iPod with me so I know when to run/walk...I don't really pay attention to the music I'm listening too (today was Journey, since I'm on one).

Next week's runs are 5 minutes with 3 minutes walking in between, plus warm up and cool down. I may do one more of this week's runs to give myself some reassurance that I can do the 5 minute runs. After all, I did it tonight for the first time all the way through, so I think an extra day won't hurt. :)

1 comment:

  1. Kristine, this is awesome! I am sooo proud of you, and Terry, too!
