Sunday, May 18, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 1

So I thought it would be fun to track my training in my blog (maybe it will also help hold me accountable to doing my runs as scheduled). Since I signed up for the 5K for Orphans (on May 9), which takes place on Saturday, June 21 (for more details, click here), I have been sticking to my runs. I know I have 18 runs left before race long as I stick to that schedule, I will be running for 25 minutes straight.

The first week of runs went well. The schedule I followed was: 5 minutes of warm up; 1 min. of running to 1.5 min. of walking (repeated 8 times), then 5 minutes to cool down. I did this for 4 days...usually its only for 3 days, but since I deleted the app from my phone and re-downloaded it, the schedule was blank and I had done 1 run already. I wasn't quite sure I was up to running 1.5 minutes, which is next.

So, Week 1 is complete. I ran for 8 minutes total, each day I ran. I lost 1 lb. this week, so that's a step in the right direction, as well as running every other day.

I decided in order to help build up my endurance, on my non-run days, I would go for at least a 1 mile walk. Today was the first day I implemented this plan.

Total miles this week: 7.9 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 18.54 miles

Total weight loss: 1 lb.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You can do this! Great job so far! Missing you dearly!
