Thursday, May 29, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 3

Week 3, Run 1: (5/23) Great run! I ran for 3 minutes straight! The first run I doubted I could do it. Second run, I made it to the halfway point and was like, I should pick up the I did
Average Pace: 17:57 minutes/mile

Walk: (5/24) Great walk! Just working on building endurance for those runs..

Average Pace: 19:40 minutes/mile

Week 3, Run 2: (5/25) Great run! Didn't think I was going to get it in today. But I'm glad I did, even after an hour of playing frisbee in the park.
Average Pace: 17:57 minutes/mile

Walk: (5/26) Great walk! Getting toasty already.
Average Pace: 19:53 minutes/mile

Week 3, Run 3: (5/29) Feels great to be running again after a forced 3-day break.
Average Pace: 18:39 minutes/mile

So, as you can see, I had to take a break from running and missed one day. My left calf muscle was really stiff and sore. My husband, thankfully, massaged it out, but I still felt like I should rest a couple of days before continuing to run. Best to not risk injury before a race.

So, next week (or Saturday really), I move up to week 4: run 3 minutes, walk 1.5 minutes, run 5 minutes, walk 2.5 minutes (do this cycle 2 times) +5 minute warm up and cool down. 

Friday I will resume my walking regime to help build up my endurance and leg strength and to assist in the weight loss process. :)

Total miles logged this week: 7.21 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 33.1 miles

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