Monday, June 23, 2014

Post-Race Day Re-Cap

Saturday, June 21, I ran my first race and first 5K ever. I estimated, based on my runs prior to race day, that I would be able to finish the race in about 52 minutes. I did a little better than that, 51:03. Fifty-two minutes, wasn't a planned goal, it was just a realistic estimate of my running a little under or around 17 minutes/mile.

My goal with this race, was to finish...finish strong and finish running (not walking or crawling). So, I achieved my goal.

It was a warm day and the path we ran wasn't very shady. There were 2 water stations along the path and lots of people along the way to cheer us on. It was great to have those encouragers along the way! Here is a map of the race route (its a PDF).

I started out running with my great-niece, this was her first 5K as well, and one of her grandpa's, but it wasn't long before they were cruising along....I'm not that fast and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up. I was probably in the middle of the pack at the beginning of the race, but it didn't take long before I had been passed by what felt like every runner. It was a little dis-heartening to be at the tale end, but those encouragers along the route really helped keep my spirits up and kept me going and helping me want to finish. I don't remember what songs played on my i-device, I remember the RunKeeper app voice telling me how long I'd been running, but that's about it.

I know the first time I walked was just passed the 10 minute point of running, I started out stronger and faster than I normally would have, which I understand is a normal just get caught up with all the other runners and get sucked in. I made sure that my walks lasted long enough for me to catch my breath, but not too long. I tried to make sure the walks only lasted for about 30 seconds and the majority of them did. It was the tail end of the race that I probably walked a little more than 30 seconds. I wanted to finish the race running.

My race results can be found here. My overall time was 51:03.8 which is an average pace of 16.28/mile. Now I have a standard to gauge myself against for future races.

My husband took some great video of the start of the race and me crossing the finish line. You can watch that video below.

Some pictures, taken by KnightLIGHT Photography are also below. For more pictures from the race, click here.

The start of the race. I'm in the purple just passed the guy
in front wearing his hat backwards. The thing to my left is
where I stretched at the end of the race.
Finishing my first 5K race. 51:03.8 (16:28/mile)
At the end of the race, just after my husband stopped recording, I said, "My feet are numb." It was like a pins and needles kind of numb...which started when I had about 0.6 miles left (I'm just going by what the volunteer said as I ran by). After stretching and walking around a bit, my calf muscles felt sore. But, after a shower back at the hotel, I felt much better and haven't really been in too much pain today. It's a little stressful on my right knee going up and down our basement stairs, but I'm sure it will be gone by my next run day, Tuesday. I'm taking two days off before I start running again.

I'd like to improve how long (number of minutes straight) I can run for, so instead of continuing with the Get Running app which is 2 more sessions of running 25 minutes straight, then 3 sessions of running 28 minutes and finally 3 sessions of 30 minutes running straight (the end of the 9-Week Couch to 5K program), I'm going to revert to running 20 minutes straight. I will do that for my next 3 runs and see where I am before deciding to move up to 25 minutes and then following the Get Running app again.

Below is me in my first race T. Looking forward to building a collection of race T's.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 7/Race Week!

This Week's Runs
25 min. runs

Walk: (6/19) Gorgeous morning for a run! Rain really cooled it if only it would stay this nice. Today was another 25 min run. I took a 30 sec walk break in the last 10 min. No more runs until rac day - Saturday.

Average Pace: 17:33 minutes/mile
Mileage: 2.2 miles


Week 7, Run 1: (6/21) Great run! 51:28. Wanted to finish in 52 so I beat my goal! Woot! I ran a 5k! I walked a little more than I would have liked, but I did try to only walk for 30 seconds at a time...towards the end I walked a little longer, but I wanted to make sure I finished the race strong and running. For more about the race and race day, see "Post-Race Day Re-Cap".
Average Pace: 16.47 minutes/mile
Mileage: 3.24 miles

Taking two days of rest before running again. Next run will be Tuesday, then I'll get back to running 4 days/week. Rest Day: (6/22)
Rest Day: (6/23)

Next time I run I think I'll be working on running for longer periods of time. This week's runs are 25 minutes straight of running, but I think I might jump back a step and work on running 20 minutes straight, once I've mastered that, then I'll bump myself back up to 25 and then 30 minutes.


Total miles logged this week: 5.44 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 58.1 miles

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 6

This week's runs:
  1. 5 min. run, 3 min. walk, 8 min. run, 3 min. walk, 5 min. run
  2. 10 min. run, walk 3 min., 10 min. run
  3. 25 min. run

Week 6, Run 1: (6/14) Great run! Two 5 min runs, one 8 min run in between with 3 min walks between each run. About 3/4 of the way thru the 8 min I wanted to stop and walk when the song "don't give up" popped up on my playlist. I made it! In exactly one week I will be running my first 5K!
Average Pace: 17:58 minutes/mile
Mileage: 2.03 miles

Week 6, Run 2: (6/15) Great run! Driver's please pay attention to people In the crosswalk. Don't be liking at your phone or radio when you're coming up to a stop for pedestrians! Okay, ff my soapbox. Beautiful breeze out there today. Two 10 min runs with 5 min walk between. Next 2 runs this week are 25 min straight...can't wait!
Average Pace: 17:44 minutes/mile
Mileage: 2.08 miles

Week 6, Run 3: (6/17) Great run! A little toasty out there, but the breeze and occasional raindrop helped. One more 25 min run before race day!
Average Pace: 17:24 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.91 miles (Runkeeper app started late)

One more 25 minute run before Race Day!

Total miles logged this week: 6.02 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 52.7 miles

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Runnning Tips for Newbies (like me)

I recently found out that a few family members are new runners as well. Its encouraging to see others running - even if its just hearing about it over the internet. So, I thought I'd share some of the things I've read online that I found helpful for being a new runner. I've included links (Source) to websites below the full quote as well as links to good articles for new runners. Hope you can get some helpful information from here, just as I did.

Staying Motivated
Write a motivational statement on a sticky note. Remind yourself each morning that, "Today is a great day to run!" and use this as positive reinforcement. Post the note prominently on your bathroom mirror or somewhere you are sure to see it daily.

Tell everyone what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how you are sticking to your plan. 

Keep a training log. A log helps to measure progress and serves as a reminder of how far you have come in the journey. Journal the weather; distance run; pace; how you felt before, during and after the run; and especially note any sore spots or aches.


You know where you want to go (your vision); what one thing can you do to move closer to it? Listen to your intuition; listen to your body. You have all the information you need. What one small thing can you change starting today? Write: "Step 1: _________" then check it off after one week of successful implementation. Then move on to "Step 2:_______."  As often as possible, journal about how your new habits make you feel, inside and out.


11 Tips for Newbie Runners
Breathing Tips for New Runners
When Is It Okay To Run Everyday?

Keep up the good work! You're doing great! Nothing can stop you!

5K for Orphans Training: Week 5

This weeks runs: 
  1. three 5 min. runs with 3 min. of walking in between
  2. two 8 min. runs with 5 min. of walking in between
  3. running 20 minutes straight

Week 5, Run 1: (6/8) great run! Ran 15 min. total today. Next run will be 1 min. more than up to 20 min. straight by this week's runs end. 

Average Pace: 18:18 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.88 miles

Walk: (6/9) Walked around the pond by work
Mileage: 1.02 miles

Week 5, Run 2: (6/11) Overslept on my regular run day, got home late cause I was hit by another car on my way home, so had to put this run off a day.

Great run! Ran 8 minutes straight...legs did not feel fatigued at the end. Halfway thru the second run I picked up the pace, and at the end of the run, when the app I use told me 1 more minute, I set my eyes on where I wanted to make it to and pushed myself to get there. Didn't make it by the time the run was over, but not too long after it. :) Next run 20 minutes straight. I'm going to rock my next run!
Average Pace:  17:49 minutes/mile
Mileage:  1.96 miles

Week 5, Run 3: (6/12) Great run! Actually ran for 22 min. cause I was having problems with my running apps. Durin that 22 I walked 2 times for 30 sec. and 2 times to walk across some crooked gravel (10 sec. Max, maybe). Feeling pretty good!
Average Pace: 17:47 minutes/mile
Mileage:  1.76 miles (something went wrong in my RunKeeper app and it missed recording part of my warm up time, so it was more mileage than this, but I'll just log what it tracked)

Total miles logged this week: 6.62 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 46.7 miles

Saturday, June 7, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 4

Week 4, Run 1: (5/31) Great run! Ran into a coyote as I was about to start my second set of runs, so I just walked back on the path I came down. Ran into him again around the corner. So stopped midrun to walk past him. He was after some geese. Quiet a morning of wildlife...saw lots of rabbits too.
Running 2 sets of 3 and 5 minutes.
Average Pace: 17:5 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.92 miles

Felt great after today's run. Wasn't sore or stiff. I was kicking myself ,originally, for taking 3-days off, but I'm really glad I did. I'm not regretting it and it's not going to hold me back.

Exercise: (6/1) I didn't go for a walk, however, I did do crunches, squats, lunges and lifted hand weights.

I didn't sleep well Sunday night, so I opted to sleep instead of getting up to run. Then traffic was bad in my way home, and I always go grocery the time I got home it was 7:15, so dinner and no run. I'll be up early tomorrow for sure to run.

Week 4, Run 2: (6/3) great run! Had to cut the last 5 min run in the am, ran out of time up 10 min earlier and that should do it. Feel great starting the day with my run!
Average Pace: 17:27 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.41 miles

Week 4, Run 3: (6/5) great run! The app I use didn't count my run from the other day (I forgot to mark it as complete). Figure it can't be bad to do one more day of this training. So tomorrow, to get back on track for my run days, I'll run one more of this week' straining.

Average Pace: 18:01 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.97 miles

Week 4, Run 4: (6/5) Great run! Lots of runners out there this am. My pace is getting faster.

Average Pace: 18:01 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.64 miles

Starting tomorrow the training starts to vary, I'll be moving up to three 5 min. runs with 3 min. of walking in between; then two 8 min. runs with 5 min. of walking in between; and last run for week 5 is running 20 minutes straight...can't wait to be there again! :)


Total miles logged this week: 6.94 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 40.1 miles