Thursday, June 12, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 5

This weeks runs: 
  1. three 5 min. runs with 3 min. of walking in between
  2. two 8 min. runs with 5 min. of walking in between
  3. running 20 minutes straight

Week 5, Run 1: (6/8) great run! Ran 15 min. total today. Next run will be 1 min. more than up to 20 min. straight by this week's runs end. 

Average Pace: 18:18 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.88 miles

Walk: (6/9) Walked around the pond by work
Mileage: 1.02 miles

Week 5, Run 2: (6/11) Overslept on my regular run day, got home late cause I was hit by another car on my way home, so had to put this run off a day.

Great run! Ran 8 minutes straight...legs did not feel fatigued at the end. Halfway thru the second run I picked up the pace, and at the end of the run, when the app I use told me 1 more minute, I set my eyes on where I wanted to make it to and pushed myself to get there. Didn't make it by the time the run was over, but not too long after it. :) Next run 20 minutes straight. I'm going to rock my next run!
Average Pace:  17:49 minutes/mile
Mileage:  1.96 miles

Week 5, Run 3: (6/12) Great run! Actually ran for 22 min. cause I was having problems with my running apps. Durin that 22 I walked 2 times for 30 sec. and 2 times to walk across some crooked gravel (10 sec. Max, maybe). Feeling pretty good!
Average Pace: 17:47 minutes/mile
Mileage:  1.76 miles (something went wrong in my RunKeeper app and it missed recording part of my warm up time, so it was more mileage than this, but I'll just log what it tracked)

Total miles logged this week: 6.62 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 46.7 miles

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