Thursday, June 12, 2014

Runnning Tips for Newbies (like me)

I recently found out that a few family members are new runners as well. Its encouraging to see others running - even if its just hearing about it over the internet. So, I thought I'd share some of the things I've read online that I found helpful for being a new runner. I've included links (Source) to websites below the full quote as well as links to good articles for new runners. Hope you can get some helpful information from here, just as I did.

Staying Motivated
Write a motivational statement on a sticky note. Remind yourself each morning that, "Today is a great day to run!" and use this as positive reinforcement. Post the note prominently on your bathroom mirror or somewhere you are sure to see it daily.

Tell everyone what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how you are sticking to your plan. 

Keep a training log. A log helps to measure progress and serves as a reminder of how far you have come in the journey. Journal the weather; distance run; pace; how you felt before, during and after the run; and especially note any sore spots or aches.


You know where you want to go (your vision); what one thing can you do to move closer to it? Listen to your intuition; listen to your body. You have all the information you need. What one small thing can you change starting today? Write: "Step 1: _________" then check it off after one week of successful implementation. Then move on to "Step 2:_______."  As often as possible, journal about how your new habits make you feel, inside and out.


11 Tips for Newbie Runners
Breathing Tips for New Runners
When Is It Okay To Run Everyday?

Keep up the good work! You're doing great! Nothing can stop you!

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