Saturday, June 7, 2014

5K for Orphans Training: Week 4

Week 4, Run 1: (5/31) Great run! Ran into a coyote as I was about to start my second set of runs, so I just walked back on the path I came down. Ran into him again around the corner. So stopped midrun to walk past him. He was after some geese. Quiet a morning of wildlife...saw lots of rabbits too.
Running 2 sets of 3 and 5 minutes.
Average Pace: 17:5 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.92 miles

Felt great after today's run. Wasn't sore or stiff. I was kicking myself ,originally, for taking 3-days off, but I'm really glad I did. I'm not regretting it and it's not going to hold me back.

Exercise: (6/1) I didn't go for a walk, however, I did do crunches, squats, lunges and lifted hand weights.

I didn't sleep well Sunday night, so I opted to sleep instead of getting up to run. Then traffic was bad in my way home, and I always go grocery the time I got home it was 7:15, so dinner and no run. I'll be up early tomorrow for sure to run.

Week 4, Run 2: (6/3) great run! Had to cut the last 5 min run in the am, ran out of time up 10 min earlier and that should do it. Feel great starting the day with my run!
Average Pace: 17:27 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.41 miles

Week 4, Run 3: (6/5) great run! The app I use didn't count my run from the other day (I forgot to mark it as complete). Figure it can't be bad to do one more day of this training. So tomorrow, to get back on track for my run days, I'll run one more of this week' straining.

Average Pace: 18:01 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.97 miles

Week 4, Run 4: (6/5) Great run! Lots of runners out there this am. My pace is getting faster.

Average Pace: 18:01 minutes/mile
Mileage: 1.64 miles

Starting tomorrow the training starts to vary, I'll be moving up to three 5 min. runs with 3 min. of walking in between; then two 8 min. runs with 5 min. of walking in between; and last run for week 5 is running 20 minutes straight...can't wait to be there again! :)


Total miles logged this week: 6.94 miles
Total miles logged YTD: 40.1 miles

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