Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Holidays

It's that time of, food and, you guessed it!, more food. I think I did pretty well on Thanksgiving. The number on my scale didn't change too much in the wrong that's something, right?

At Christmas time, more than any other time of the year, we all start to think of others rather than ourselves... I know! Go figure! On the radio station I listen to, KLOVE, they've had a few new songs - when I say new I don't necessarily mean just released, I mean songs that they haven't played before. Two of those songs are You Are More by Tenth Avenue North and What Love Really Means by JJ Heller

You Are More Video:

What Love Really Means Video:

I noticed today that both songs start out very similar, You Are More starts out with a girl crying in a corner and What Love Really Means starts with a boy crying in the corner...this is not my point here. My point is that both songs bring tears to my eyes...really makes me think of others. We really need to get out of our own little world and think of others...put them first, before ourselves. I know it's hard, it's a daily struggle for me, especially in marriage. It's not easy to put my husband and what he wants before my needs and what I want.

We are selfish, we learn it at an early age. We struggle with it all through our lives, some of us never stop being selfish and never will. Others try, even if we fail, we continue to try. It's not an easy journey, or easy to do. So, try to go above and beyond this Christmas season. Give back, give to a stranger, do something nice for your neighbor.

KLOVE, the radio station I mentioned earlier, does Make a Difference Monday. They encourage listeners to do something nice for someone, even a stranger. Buy that person behind you coffee. I've been doing my grocery shopping at Aldi lately. In case you don't what Aldi is, it's a grocery store where you pay $0.25 to get a cart (which you get back) and you bag your own stuff, helping them keep their costs lower, passing on the savings to consumers. Anyway, what I've been doing lately is if someone is in need of a cart when I'm returning mine, I just hand off the cart. They always try, and often insist, on me taking the $0.25, but I don't. I just hope that they're doing something too, small things can make a difference. It doesn't have to be anything big. I'm only doing $0.25 a week, but who knows what it's doing for that person I passed the savings on to.

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