Friday, August 26, 2011


A few weeks ago Walgreens was giving away pedometers to promote their Walk with Walgreens campaign. So, I've been using it for the past 11 days or so. Well, writing my steps down for 11 days, anyway.  Now, the Walgreens pedometer, despite being cheap, tracks number of steps, miles & kilometers walked, and calories burned.

Over the last 11 days, my average steps per day are 7,289. Only one of those days did I walk more than 10,000 steps, and just barely. On the weekends, I didn't even hit 3,500 steps. Most days I was over 7,500 steps, but not enough.

So, my goal is to start walking more, without the dog, on weekends. I wish I could take the dog, but he can barely handle the short walks we go on now. I'd like to walk 2 miles each day on the weekend. I have 3 routes mapped out already.

Along the lines of pedometers, I discovered a pedometer, called the fit even monitors your sleep to see how well rested you are. I am interested in getting this, so I'm saving up my allowance and I'll be getting one as soon as I can. :) I'll keep you posted on this one.

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