Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Helfpul Tips I've Read

So, I have a ton of diet books, flyers, pamphlets, etc. and I took some time to start re-reading this stuff a couple of weekends ago. I'm going to share the things that I thought were useful in what I've read, and I'll site sources to, so if you want to check them out, you can.

I'll start with the book that came with EA Active More Workouts. It's by Bob Greene and is an excerpt from the book "The Best Life Diet"

1. Change areas of your life that are troubled or in which you are unfulfilled so you stop turning to food for comfort.

2. Steps toward change:
a. Decide what you really want for your life.
b. Make an honest assessment of yourself and what you’re willing to change about yourself and your behavior.
c. Determine what you need to do to accomplish those changes.
d. Muster up the discipline needed to make it all happen.
e. Avoid getting discouraged along the way.
f. Find fulfillment out of each small step you take toward your best life.

3. Be honest with yourself and those around you. Take responsibility for your actions and your life. Think of the commitments you make to yourself as sacred, and honor them in the way that you honor your commitment to other people. Identify what it is you really want from your life, realize you deserve it and think positively about your ability to get it. Make your plan, have the inner strength to stick to it, and claim the life you deserve!

That's what the book says, and here is what I have to say about each one as it relates to me personally.

1. Well, I am unfulfilled in many areas of my life right now. I would like to go back to school for sign language or some other field, healthcare activity director (something I saw a certificate in) seems like a field I would enjoy. I'm tired of sitting behind a desk and not making a difference.

2. a) There's a lot I want in my life: a change in career and a few other changes, which I probably shouldn't mention here.

2. b) I'm willing to change, it's just so hard. Many times I lack the motivation because I feel like the only one in my household that has any motivation...PERIOD!

2. c) I need to get up and get active. I need to not allow others to bring me down with them (as in lack of motivation). I need to focus on myself and be a little selfish, put myself first more often than I do.

I may come back and update/edit some of what I say here to clarify things or to add.

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