Thursday, November 5, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 15

Projected calorie burn: 83.7
Actual calorie burn: 93.8
Duration of exercise: 15:20
Stretching time: 8:00
Number of exercises: 15/15
Calorie intake: 1393
Weight loss to date: 189.6 (-0.4)

Today baseball was added to the workout. It's not that easy to virtually catch a ball. Today's workout wasn't as intense as the first 9 days, so, again, I'm slightly disappointed, since I thought at the halfway point the exercises would become more intense - maybe with the medium workout...I guess we'll see. I did break more of a sweat today than I did yesterday, but why would the number of exercises decrease from 16-19 to 15. I just don't get it.

I'll be working out again tomorrow and taking off Saturday.

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