Sunday, November 29, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge Medium: Day 1-2

Projected calorie burn: 142.9
Actual calorie burn: 141.2
Duration of exercise: 18:23
Stretching time: 8:00
Number of exercises: 16/16
Calorie intake:
Weight loss to date: 191.4

So, I majorly slacked off last week. I started the medium 30-day challenge on Sunday, and then did nothing the rest of the week. I hope to change that this week. I restarted the 30-day challenge on medium today, so I hope to get back into the swing of things.

Not that I want to be a downer or anything, but 1 year ago, my weight was fluctuating between 180-185, now this year I'm struggling to keep my weight below 190. I really want that to change, so hopefully that's enough to keep me motivated and on track.

This past week NBC had a special Biggest Loser: Where are they now? One of the former contestants said that the Biggest Loser doctor told her that she would have to workout 1.5 hours per day to keep the weight off for the rest of her life. This got me thinking, the recommended amount of exercise is 5 days/week for at least 30 minutes. With EA Active, I'm not even hitting 30 minutes, including stretching! So, I'm not sure what I have to do, but I know I need to step up my workouts. I'll keep you posted as I think and research this.

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