Saturday, November 7, 2009

EA Active 30-Day Challenge: Day 17

Projected calorie burn: 115.0
Actual calorie burn: 128.4
Duration of exercise: 22:01
Stretching time: 8:00
Number of exercises: 17/17
Calorie intake:
Weight loss to date: 189.6 (-0.4)

I decided to workout today. I got a job and so, I'm going to take one last trip out to visit my sister and her husband, niece and nephew before starting my new job, next week Thursday. So, I will exercise again tomorrow and take off Monday and Tuesday, then back on schedule with EA Active's workout schedule on Wednesday. I probably won't be posting while I'm gone.

Today's workout went well. I had problems with the bicep curls with upright rows. I don't have a problem with either exercise when they're alone, but when it's combined, for some reason, it doesn't register the upright curls correctly...and my form is the same as when I do them stand alone - go figure!

Change of plans, I'm no longer going to Michigan Sunday thru Tuesday, my niece has the flu. So, I'll be taking my rest day tomorrow and back on EA Active's schedule starting Monday.

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